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    Welcome to Integrated Listening and Speaking! Let's Listen, Think, and Speak...

    Universistas Internasional Batam's  Lecturer

    Hilarius Raditya Priambada Purba, S.Pd., M.Pd 

    Universitas Dhamas Indonesia's Lecturer

    Martiya Nurni Khairita, S.S., M.Hum

    Course Description:

    This course is a compulsory course in the English Language Education Study Program. This course is an integration of listening and speaking skills. In the process of teaching and learning, the students are expected to comprehend the spoken text's objectives and provide suitable responses in a proper way. Moreover, after the aforementioned process, the students are able to communicate the constructs to the listener in the form of oral communication. 

    Credit: 3 Credits

    Course Learning Outcome:

    CPMK1   Mahasiswa mampu memahami teori dasar dalam speaking dan listening and menerapkan teori dan konsep dalam speaking dan listening 

    CPMK2  Mahasiswa mampu memahami lingkup dan konteks aktivitas/kejadian untuk komunikasi

    CPMK3  Mahasiswa mampu untuk membuat presentasi, menjadi speaker and mempresentasikan materi menggunakan beragam media (ICT and non ICT)

    CMPK4 Mahasiswa mampu melakukan Public Speaking sesuai dengan kaidah dan konsep kebahasaan

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