Course Overview
Welcome to Online Extensive Listening course. This course is provided by English Education Department of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro as part of SPADA (Sistem Pembelajaran Daring) 2018 program. This program is sponsored by Direktorat Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan
(BELMAWA) Kemenristek Dikti.
This course is designed for both new and experienced pre-service teachers for three initial teacher educations institution namely English Education Department of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Universitas Islam Darul Ulum (UNISDA) Lamongan, and Universitas PGRI Adibuana (UNIPA) Surabaya. However, this course is also available widely for the public through online mode. This course gives the participants new experiences and knowledge in listening using authentic spoken texts not only to develop their comprehension skill but listening fluency.
As listening fluency besides comprehension is pivotal for developing advanced listening learners, this course train the learners how to comprehend longer authentic and theme-based spoken texts in chronological and serial monologues. They are also nurtured deleoping their listening fluency though scaffolded listening speed started from slower, intermediate, and normal/fast speech rates. Every topic represents one week online course duration containing five similar monologues in which there would be ten comprehension questions that they can listen autonomously.
More interestingly, they can engage collaboratively via forum discussion mediated by the instructors about the topic discussed. With this reason, it is expected that the course can be more interesting and interactive. In the end of each meeting, they have a group project in reconstructing the topic-related text using online writing platform. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!
(BELMAWA) Kemenristek Dikti.
This course is designed for both new and experienced pre-service teachers for three initial teacher educations institution namely English Education Department of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro, Universitas Islam Darul Ulum (UNISDA) Lamongan, and Universitas PGRI Adibuana (UNIPA) Surabaya. However, this course is also available widely for the public through online mode. This course gives the participants new experiences and knowledge in listening using authentic spoken texts not only to develop their comprehension skill but listening fluency.
As listening fluency besides comprehension is pivotal for developing advanced listening learners, this course train the learners how to comprehend longer authentic and theme-based spoken texts in chronological and serial monologues. They are also nurtured deleoping their listening fluency though scaffolded listening speed started from slower, intermediate, and normal/fast speech rates. Every topic represents one week online course duration containing five similar monologues in which there would be ten comprehension questions that they can listen autonomously.
More interestingly, they can engage collaboratively via forum discussion mediated by the instructors about the topic discussed. With this reason, it is expected that the course can be more interesting and interactive. In the end of each meeting, they have a group project in reconstructing the topic-related text using online writing platform. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!
(No announcements have been posted yet.)