12.1. Learning Paths and Expectation on Introduction to Critical Reading

Direction: Read this learning path and expectation to know how to learn this unit.

Unit Learning's Path

This unit should be learnt by following the following steps in order.

  1. Introducing students to the concept of critical reading and its importance
  2. The Students recognize different types of texts (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, academic articles, news reports). .
  3. Teaching students techniques for active reading, such as annotating, highlighting, and note-taking.
  4. Encourage the students to ask questions, make predictions, and engage with the text while reading.
  5. The students explore the characteristics and purposes of each text type.
  6. Reading and practicing .
  7. Participating in the online discussion forum.
  8. Answering the exercises
  9. Doing the tasks given in the Learning Management System.