Meeting 1 - Where are you from?

Today, we are learning about self-introduction. 

Certainly! Introducing oneself is a crucial aspect of opening an English class, especially for beginners. Here are some reasons why self-introduction holds importance in this context:

  1. Building a Comfortable Environment:

    • For beginners, stepping into an English class can be intimidating. Self-introduction helps create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere, making students feel more comfortable.
  2. Establishing a Personal Connection:

    • Knowing more about each student fosters a sense of connection between the teacher and the learners. This personal touch encourages a positive learning experience.
  3. Language Practice:

    • Self-introduction provides an opportunity for students to practice basic language skills. They can apply what they've learned, including greetings, personal information, and introductory phrases.
  4. Cultural Awareness:

    • In an English class, students often come from diverse cultural backgrounds. Self-introduction allows individuals to share aspects of their culture, helping to broaden everyone's understanding and appreciation for diversity.
  5. Setting Expectations:

    • Through self-introduction, teachers can set expectations for the class. This includes outlining the learning objectives, the importance of participation, and the general structure of the course.
  6. Encouraging Communication:

    • The act of introducing oneself encourages students to communicate in English from the very beginning. This sets the tone for an English immersion environment, promoting language development.
  7. Assessing Proficiency:

    • Listening to students' self-introductions provides the teacher with an initial assessment of their language proficiency. This insight helps in tailoring the course to meet the specific needs of the learners.
  8. Icebreaker Activity:

    • Self-introduction serves as an icebreaker activity, easing tension and breaking down barriers among students. This is particularly important for beginners who might be anxious about speaking in a new language.
  9. Promoting Confidence:

    • Speaking in front of a group is a skill that needs practice. Encouraging students to introduce themselves helps build their confidence in using English, setting a positive tone for the entire class.
  10. Creating a Positive Learning Experience:

    • The first impression is crucial. A positive and engaging self-introduction session can create enthusiasm for learning, making students more motivated to participate and excel in the English class.
Here, please find the attached document for our learning activity. 

at last, I am so happy to know you

Click Introduction and Greetings -Meeting 1.pdf link to view the file.