Topic outline

  • Week 1: Introduction to Database

  • Week 2: Database Architecture

  • Week 3: Relational Database Management System

  • Week 4: Relational Database Modeling

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about data modeling. A data modeling is the first step of a database design. A good data modeling will help the database designer to create a proper database that matches to both the user's needs and the system's requirements.

    Entity Relational Diagram (ERD) will be used as a tool of database modeling. A well-designed ERD shows a complete users (entity) interaction with the database.

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to use Entity–Relationship (ER) modeling in database design.
    • Basic concepts associated with ER model.
    • Diagrammatic technique for displaying ER model using Unified Modeling Language (UML)
    • How to identify and resolve problems with ER models called connection traps.
    • How to build an ER model from a requirements specification.

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online collaboration for Entity Relationship Diagram practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)
  • Week 5: Relational Database Modeling - Case Study

    About this chapter

    In this part you will create a database modeling based on the case given in this section.

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to use Entity–Relationship (ER) modeling in database design.
    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online collaboration for Entity Relationship Diagram practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 10 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Online workshop: 1,5 hours
    5. Group Assignment: case study presentation

  • Week 8: Mid Exam

  • Week 9: Introduction to MS. SQL Server

    What is SQL Server? - Computer Business Review

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about MS. SQL Server Express edition that can easily be downloaded from the vendor's website. After installation we will continue to see some features in MS. SQL Server.

    MS SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Microsoft. This product is built for the basic function of storing retrieving data as required by other applications. It can be run either on the same computer or on another across a network

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to install MS. SQL Server Express Edition .
    • Login and set permission.
    • Create database, tables
    • Define Primary Key, Foreign Key
    • Show relationship between table

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session and practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 10: Managing Tables


    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about how to create database, tables and inputting data by using SQL syntax.

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to create database and tables by using query syntax .
    • How to create the relationship between tables

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 11: Data Manipulation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about how to do data manipulation language (DML) by using SQL syntax.

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE by using query syntax .
    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 12: Data Manipulation (SELECT)

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about retrieving data from tables by using SQL syntax. The SQL SELECT statement returns a result set of records, from one or more tables. A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views. In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language (DML) command

    Learning Objectives:

    • Purpose and importance of SQL.
    • How to retrieve data from database using SELECT 
    • Use compound WHERE conditions.
    • Sort query results using ORDER BY.

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session and practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 13: Data Manipulation (SELECT SUM, COUNT, MIN, etc)

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about retrieving data from tables by using SQL syntax. The SQL SELECT statement returns a result set of records, from one or more tables. A SELECT statement retrieves zero or more rows from one or more database tables or database views. In most applications, SELECT is the most commonly used data manipulation language (DML) command

    Learning Objectives:

    • Use aggregate functions.
    • Group data using GROUP BY and HAVING.
    • Use subqueries.
    • Join tables together.
    • Perform set operations (UNION, INTERSECT, EXCEPT).

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session and practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 14: Data Manipulation (SELECT JOIN)

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them by using SQL syntax. An SQL join clause – corresponding to a join operation in relational algebra – combines columns from one or more tables in a relational database. It creates a set that can be saved as a table or used as it is. A JOIN is a means for combining columns from one (self-join) or more tables by using values common to each.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Data types supported by SQL standard.
    • Purpose of integrity enhancement feature of SQL.
    • How to define integrity constraints using SQL.
    • How to use the integrity enhancement feature in the CREATE and ALTER TABLE statements.
    • Purpose of views.
    • How to create and delete views using SQL.
    • How the DBMS performs operations on views.
    • Under what conditions views are updatable.
    • Advantages and disadvantages of views.
    • How the ISO transaction model works.
    • How to use the GRANT and REVOKE statements as a level of security.

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session and practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 15: Advanced SQL (Subquery, Store procedure, Trigger)

    About this chapter

    In this chapter, we will learn about retrieving data from tables by using sub query syntax. After that, we will also learn about advance SQL, that is Store procedure and trigger

    Learning Objectives:

    • How to use the SQL programming language
    • How to use SQL cursors
    • How to create stored procedures
    • How to create triggers
    • How to use triggers to enforce integrity constraints
    • The advantages and disadvantages of triggers
    • How to use recursive queries

    Learning Structure:
    This chapter consists of reading material, lecturer-presentation material, and some videos. You need to read and watch the materials prior to the class session. In the main activity (class session), we would like to invite you with the online class session and practices. In the end of this chapter, there is an assignment that you need to accomplish. Here is the structure of learning activities:
    1. Reading text book: 1,5 hours
    2. Watching Videos: 15 minutes
    3. Online collaboration: 2 hours
    4. Individual Assignment: 1 individual project (duration: 1 week)

  • Week 16: Final Exam