FUH1A3INT PHYSICS 1 (3 credit; Electrical Engineering)
Physics course identity
Basic Physics IA (FUH1A3) is a 3-credit course taught in the first semester of the first level of the electrical engineering faculty.
We live in a high-tech society, and Electrical Engineers are among the largest, most diverse and dynamic contributors to our technological advancements. Electrical Engineers apply the principles of science and mathematics to practical use in instrumentation and circuit design, microelectronics, signal processing, telecommunications, machine control, and power generation and distribution.
Physics course (FUH1A3INT) one of the 49 subject courses at Telkom university that provides fundamental knowledge about classical mechanics. Historically, a set of core concepts — force, momentum, torque, and angular momentum — were introduced in classical mechanics in order to solve the most famous physics problem, the motion of the planets.
The principles of mechanics successfully described many other phenomena encountered in the world. Conservation laws involving energy, momentum, and angular momentum provided a second parallel approach to solving many of the same problems. In this course, we will investigate both approaches: Force and conservation laws.
Course Profile and History
The Physics course in this study program has been around for a long time, this campus was named the STT Telkom.
Course Relevance (Urgency)
The urgency of a physics course is the core subject of the Electrical Engineering study program, where this course is a fundamental or basic basis for understanding the whole of Electrical Engineering.
Correlation to the other course
- Douglas C. Giancoli,” Physics for Scientists and Engineers”, second edition, Prentice-Hall International Inc, 1988.
- Sutrisno,” Seri Fisika Dasar Listrik - Magnet”, Penerbit ITB, 1982.
- Paul A. Tipler,” Fisika untuk Sains dan Teknik Jilid 2”, edisi 3, Erlangga, 1991.