Day 5 Assignment: Discussion Forum

Dear OSC 2021ers!

Please use this discussion forum to discuss with your group members on the recipe, video concept, and how you are going to divide the group tasks among members. Make sure the recipe is easy enough for everyone to try by themselves at home because each student needs to document their testimonies/comments on the recipe in the video. (Note: If some of the group members were not able to try out the recipe, please have the reason(s) for this explained/justified in your assignment. Write down the reasons along with the submitted link, not in the video.)

Also, if you feel that another way of communication such as an online meeting using Google Meet or personal Zoom or other social media platform is more effective to discuss your project, feel free to extend your discussion using that preferred platform. 

Facilitators for the group discussion:

  • OSC groups 1-10   = Dr. Agustina Ari Murti
  • OSC groups 11-20 = Dr. Eka Noviana
  • OSC groups 21-30 = Dr. Puguh Indrasetiawan
  • OSC groups 31-40 = Dr. Soni Siswanto
  • OSC groups 41-50 = Prof. Triana Hertiani

Hope everyone has a great experience trying out their chosen recipe! Can't wait to see your videos :D

(There are no discussion topics yet in this forum)