Assignment Day 6: Writing Essay (group)

Dear OSC 2021ers!

Today's assignment is a group task.

Write an essay (1000 - 2000 words minus title and references, use recent references <10y) about modern herbal preparation for medicine/herbal supplements/cosmetics by reviewing a certain commercial product.

Submit your essay as a group. 

Finish your essay in wiki by 7:00 PM, Jakarta Time.

This  activity is part of the course accomplishment (10% out of 100%)

Wiki editing

The best thing of a wiki is, that nothing is lost. The old version will be there - and if someone changes your version of the page - your version will also be there. The options for editing, commenting viewing history, map and files may all be accessed from tabs at the top.

  • The View tab allows users to display and view the wiki page.
  • The Edit tab users to edit the wiki page.
  • The Comments tab allows users to see and add comments about the wiki - providing comments are enabled on the site.
  • The History tab allows users to see what has been altered in the wiki. Compare edits by clicking the "Compare Selected" button. Click the "Restore" button of the version you wish to restore if the latest edit is unsuitable
  • The Map tab allows users to view areas of the wiki such as a list of pages, updated or orphaned pages etc. (Orphaned pages are pages not linked to anywhere.)