[Forum][TM - 9][Komunikasi Bisnis] Manajemen Reputasi Perusahaan

manajemen reputasi perusahaan

manajemen reputasi perusahaan

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1. corporate reputation management is important because reputation influences public perception, customer trust, and the long-term success of a business. a good reputation can strengthen a brand, build trust and influence purchasing decisions. 


2. to build and maintain a good reputation, companies can do several things, such as transparency in communication, fulfilling promises to customers, communicating consistently, engaging in social activities, and responding to problems or criticism quickly and effectively. 


3. an example of a successful case, a company like apple, which is consistent in innovation, product quality and customer experience, has succeeded in building a strong reputation. an example of a failure in reputation management could be the cambridge analytica case which shook public trust in facebook, due to significant data privacy issues. this case study shows the importance of quick and effective responses to emerging problems.